Pre-Natal Consultation
For parents anticipating an extra challenge (previous breast surgery, previous difficulty breastfeeding, expecting twins, inverted nipples, medical condition) OR for parents who, for any reason, would like one-on-one preparation for nursing before the birth of their baby
1.5 hours
Pre-Adoption Consultation
Topics can include inducing and maximizing milk production (with or without medication), latch and positioning, encouraging older babies to latch, supplementing at the breast. We will create a customized plan to address your specific goals
1.5 hours
Induced Lactation
For non-birthing parents who want to induce and maximize milk production (with or without medication). We will create a customized plan to meet your individual values and circumstances
1.5 hours
Lactation Check-Up
For families who want to feel reassured that feeding is going well, get tips and suggestions, and ask questions about the newborn period
Intended to be booked pre-natally. Not meant for problem-solving; if problem has developed since booking, fee can be put toward Initial Consultation
One hour
Initial Lactation Consultation
For parents experiencing problems - latch difficulties, pain, milk production concerns (too much, too little, delay), fussy or sleepy baby, tongue-tie affecting breastfeeding, very long feedings, ill baby, multiples, premies, engorgement, reducing supplementation plugged ducts/mastitis and more
Fee includes phone/email follow-up and Wednesday Clinic
1.75-2 hours
Fee: $250
Follow up Lactation Consultation
Phone and email follow-up is included with Initial Consultation. Sometimes additional in-person help is necessary as the situation evolves or new problems arise
For Current clients only
1 hour
Fee: $150
For parents of babies reluctant to take a bottle or for babies who need help bottlefeeding effectively and comfortably
1.5 hours
For parents ready to stop (or reduce) breastfeeding a baby of any age. We will develop a customized plan that address your situation and fits your values
1 hour
Pump Flange Fitting
Well-fitted pump flanges mean more milk and more comfort. We can size you for Medela, Ameda, Spectra and Pumpin Pals flanges, and test the suction level of your pump
30 minutes
What to expect at a consultation?
You are welcome to bring another adult – partner, grandmother, doula – to your visit, but it is not necessary – whatever works best to you.
During our visit, we will:
- Go over your pregnancy and birth history (if appropriate), your health history and your baby’s health and feeding history.
- Weigh and examine your baby, including an assessment of their sucking ability
- Watch you latch and position your baby, offering suggestions and new strategies where helpful. We will work together toward getting your baby latching and breastfeeding effectively and comfortably.
- Encourage you to ask lots of questions and share concerns.
- Collaborate on a care plan that works toward solving your problem and feels manageable to you.
- Refer you to a specialist health care provider, where appropriate.
- Send a full report to your baby’s care provider (and possibly to yours as well)
- Provide you with an insurance superbill to request reimbursement from your insurance company or Health FSA.
- Stay in touch by phone or email every few days until you feel that your problem has been resolved.
- Invite you to join us at the Weight Check Wednesday peer support group
We strongly encourage clients to keep in touch with us until they feel fully confident that their problems are resolved and they are enjoying their feeding their baby