• Go over your pregnancy and birth history (if appropriate), your health history and your baby’s health and feeding history.

  • Weigh and examine your baby, including an assessment of their sucking ability

  • Watch you latch and position your baby, offering suggestions and new strategies where helpful. We will work together toward getting your baby latching and breastfeeding effectively and comfortably.

  • Encourage you to ask lots of questions and share concerns.

  • Collaborate on a care plan that works toward solving your problem and feels manageable to you.

  • Refer you to a specialist health care provider, where appropriate.

  • Send a full report to your baby’s care provider (and possibly to yours as well)

  • Provide you with an insurance superbill to request reimbursement from your insurance company or Health FSA.

  • Stay in touch by phone or email every few days until you feel that your problem has been resolved.

  • Invite you to join us at the Wednesday Clinic peer support group

You are welcome to bring another adult – partner, co-parent, friend, grandmother, doula – to your visit, but it is not necessary – whatever works best to you.

We strongly encourage clients to keep in touch with us until they feel fully confident that their problems are resolved and they are enjoying their feeding their baby